Saliou Mbaye, archivist and academic, former Director of Senegal National Archives and former Director of the School of Librarians and Archivists (University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar) is the author of the above-mentioned book of essays focusing on his childhood in a small senegalese town, Ndande Fall during the colonial period and his adulthood and subsequent life as a student and a professional.
Even if the book can be partly called autobiographical, many parts of it dwell on the families, communities which were the physical and human landscapes that accompanied Saliou Mbaye’s growth from innocence to experience.
The panelists elaborated on those various issues and others included Professor Penda Mbow, historian, Fadel Dia, writer, Professor Seydou Madani Sy, former senegalese Minister of Justice and former Vice-Chancellor of University Cheikh Anta Diop as well as Majib Sene, journalist and former Director General of the senegalese national radio television station, RTS.
Many people insisted on the puzzling title specially on the phrase « Keur Madame ». Indeed, this was colonial time and french and lebanese merchants and wholesale dealers were established in the various towns and big villages of the Peanut Basin. « Madame » was then the name given to the wife of the french or lebanese business man operating and living in the area.
On the occasion of this book launch, the yard of WARC was cram-full with 194 people attending.

Photo 1: A view of the audience

Photo 2: Panelists of the day