On October 22nd, 2020, the Senegalese great novelist and essayist Boubacar Boris Diop and the sociologist-cum political and social leader and influencer, Marie Angelique Savané, sat together in the gardens of the West African Research Center to discuss the political, cultural and social environment prevailing in Senegal in 1968. Indeed, Sembene’s film Manda Bi (The Money Order) reflects life in Senegal in 1968, the year of the big union and student strike which rocked many countries in the world including Senegal. Their conversation was to be turned into a 25-minute documentary paid for by the World Cinema Foundation specialized in preserving world movie classics and the Criterion Collection of New York specialized in the circulation of independent films.

A month ago, copies of the documentary were donated to WARC by the above-mentioned two institutions and the Center was given special authorization to screen it. This was, indeed, a good piece for the celebration of Black History Month, a highlight among events and activities initiated by WARC every year….Because of the pandemic, it was screened virtually but the audience were particularly thrilled by the event judging from their contributions and questions to Boris Diop and Marie Angelique who were the panelists of the day.

The event, which took place on Wednesday February 24th was virtually and in-person attended by 50 people.


Photo 1: Article on Le Soleil newspaper