Biennale 2024: WARC hosts panels on the economic opportunities in cultural and creative industries
For this 2024 edition of the Dakar Biennale des Arts, the United States of America, along with the Republic of Cabo Verde, is the guest of honor country. In this respect, many events are being staged by the US Embassy in Dakar to show the various cultural facets of the US.
The panels held at WARC on Tuesday November 19; 2024 were meant to have several artists alumni of the various State Department exchange and training programs convene and discuss the economic opportunities available in the cultural and creative industries in Senegal and also the avenues opened to them by their various experiences in the US.
Several panels were held including: success stories of alumni in the cultural and creative industries, marketing and branding in the cultural and creative industries, the future of creative industries in Senegal.
The event was opened with a welcome address from the Director of WARC and remarks from Mrs Jessica Lopez Director of the Dakar-based USAID Education Bureau.
It was attended by 94 alumni, artists and other people and was closed by the cultural affairs officer of the US Embassy.
It should be noted that the Biennale will unfold over a full month from November 7 to December 7 making of Dakar the cultural hub of West Africa during that period.

The opening session

Various people attended the event