HIGHLIGHT:  Film Screening: Randy Weston, un Africain Ne en Amerique/Randy Weston, An African Born in America (a documentary by Bara Diokhané).


A few years ago, Randy Weston came to the West African Research Center(WARC) with his caring wife Fatou and his many senegalese friends to launch his book titled African Rythms. Also, when one of his latest CD’s, « African Rythms: The African Nubian Suite » was out, Randy and his wife were thoughtful enough to visit and offer a copy to the directror of the Center.

On September 1, 2021, his friend, lawyer and artist Bara Diokhane screened the documentary on Ngor Island to celebrate the great panafricanist and jazzman. Randy is a militant of cultural encounters and mixing. The great piano player and icon of jazz bridged links between America and Africa, between the motherland and the Diaspora.

By general demand the documentary was screened a second time at WARC on Friday, November 19, 2021.

After viewing the film, the audience of 15 people were invited to a debate and discussion on Randy, his music and world view by the author of the documentary Bara Diokhane, the Director of Warc and Professor Magueye Kasse from the Department of German Studies(UCAD) who is also a talented jazz critic.