In collaboration with Galle Ceddo Productions, an entity presided over by Jason Silverman, filmmaker (USA) and Professor Samba Gadjigo (Mount Holyoke College – USA), the Sembene Accross Africa, a screening project in its 5th edition was featured for its 5th edition all over Africa, from Senegal to Togo, Benin, Cape Verde, Chad, the Central African Republic, the Gambia, Cameroon, Burundi, South Africa, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania etc…. 

The films to be screened for this edition were: Xala, The Money Order and the documentary Sembene!

At WARC, the kick off took place on Thursday, October 27th (one day ahead under the circumstances) with the screening of The Money Order (Le Mandat) and the session was attended by 15 people.

Apart from WARC in Senegal, screenings took place in Ziguinchor, Kaolack, Thiès, Kidira, Passy, Sokone, Saint-Louis.

The Sembene Across Africa was interrupted for two years by the Covid Pandemic but will hopefully continue disseminating the work of Sembene, the Father of African Cinema, in years to come.