HIGHLIGHT: WARC Public Lectures Series: Walner Osna: Du Colonialisme à la Colonialité: de la nécessité de poursuivre les luttes de décolonisation / libération des pays du Sud (From colonisation to coloniality or the need to continue decolonization/ liberation struggles in countries in the South)


The graduate student Walner Osna is currently pursuing a Phd and serving as a teaching and research assistant at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Native of Haiti, Walner is very much interested in issues relating to colonization, decolonization and the need for Africa and the Black Diaspora to keep the struggle for the economic, political and cultural liberation and emancipation of all the nations so far confined at the periphery. According to him and other young intellectuals promoting a change of approach to world history, the issue is to study and understand the social formations of « peripherized » countries within the context of the present capitalist colonial and modern world. Indeed, understanding the world and its dynamics needs for all of us to go beyond the western definition and understanding of the world. That is why it is imperative for decolonization/liberation struggles to be pursued in Third World countries.

The panel was moderated by Professor Omar Guèye, Department of History, University Cheikh Anta Diop, and attended by no less than 44 people (in-person and virtual attendance).