Academic cooperation: WARC as a bridge between US and West African academia: the case of UCAD and UPitt
On April 16th-23rd, a high key delegation including directors and chairs from the University of Pittsburgh visited Dakar for various activities on academic issues and exchange projects. Interactions were conducted with colleagues at University Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD – Dakar) and University Gaston Berger in Saint Louis (North of Senegal). Several landmark sites were also visited including the new economic and administrative city of Diamniadio, the Research and Documentation Center of Senegal (CRDS) in Saint Louis, etc….
A little over two weeks later a faculty-led study abroad program including two instructors and 7 students has been initiated with the help and assistance of the West African Research Center. Student participants are particularly interested in improving their written and spoken skills in the French language, in traditional medicine, traditional religious practices, etc….
The program is to run from May 9th to May 31st and its landmark field trip will take participants to the Saloum Delta with visits to the lush mangrove in Toubacouta, cultural activities (Senegalese traditional wrestling and neighboring rural communities).

Photo: The UPitt delegation visiting the Diamnadio insdustrial complex